The Promise of God

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened by his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he promised. Romans 4:20

Promise, what a strong word? It is a binding oath, a guarantee of something to come in the future. How disappointed we are when promises are broken or never come to pass. 

Living life based on promises can be hopeful or dreary. Hope comes by believing the promise and the promise coming to pass. The faithfulness of the promiser is key. If the promiser does not deliver life is wasted. Equally so is the faithfulness of the one holding the promise, if the promisee gives up on the promise and the promiser comes back life is lost as well. 

In order for a promise to come and be kept the promiser and the promisee both have to be faithful. 

Has God given you a promise? Are you anxiously awaiting its delivery? Does it seem like it will never come to pass? Are you losing strength on the verge of giving up?

Remember in order to obtain the promise both the promiser and the promisee have to remain faithful. God, the promiser, is always faithful. No matter what God always comes through. It may not be in your timing but God never fails.

 You are the promisee. Will you remain faithful like Abraham did? Abraham is a man in the bible who God gave a huge promise. God promised Abraham that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars. The promise seemed impossible. Abraham was OLD in Romans 4:19 it says that his body was as good as dead and that his wife’s womb was barren. Yet he did not waver. He was strengthened by his faith. 

The root of faith in the language used to write the New Testament (Greek) is to persuade or be persuaded.  Faith is to be divinely persuaded. This does not come in and of ourselves but listening to the voice of God.

Even if your body is as good as dead and your womb is barren. Hold on to the promise of God. The promise is dependent upon the promiser’s and your faithfulness. God is always faithful. It is up to you like Abraham to not waver in unbelief but to be strengthened by faith or the divine persuasion of God. 

Hold on to the promise. Be strengthened in divine persuasion by listening to the voice of God instead of your circumstance. Obtain the promise of God!

By: Danielle O'Neil